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December 11, 2012


Staying out at Haena I am within a few miles of the end of the road on the north shore and a few miles beyond the last town of any size, Hanalei, so I have stocked up on provisions and plan to eat my own food for a while. Grocery prices on the island are notoriously high -- what alternative do people have to whatever the supermarket prices may be? As of recently, Foodland has started a "frequent shopper" loyalty program (Maikai Savings!) -- anyway you look at it, if you don't become a "member" you are over-paying; for my phone number, they gave me over 30% off -- or should I say for not giving my phone number they charged an extra 30%?

I think the tab will be instructive to show the cost of living here, and my frugal provisions, 22 items:

$ 5.94 pineapple
$24.99 Koloa Dark Rum (a splurge, made on Kauai)
$ 6.09 coconut syrup (for baking)
$13.16 (4) Anahola granola bars (for snacks hiking)
$ 4.29 tortilla yellow corn chips (cheapest choice)
$ 1.89 Noh coconut milk powder (for baking)
$ 4.79 (18) eggs (mainland, extra large)
$ 3.39 frozen pineapple juice concentrate (for baking)
$ 2.59 frozen orange-passion fruit concentrate (for drinks)
$ 2.59 frozen orange-mango fruit concentrate (for baking)
$ 3.19 Mexican tomato salsa (canned)
$ 2.39 Tapatio hot sauce
$ 3.42 (1 lb.) mango
$ 4.80 (1/2 lb.) local sun-dried tomatoes
$ 4.89 (quart) yogurt
$ 1.69 (1 lb.) carrots
$ 3.99 (1 lb.) butter
$ 1.99 (1 lb.) fettuccine pasta
$ 2.49 (1 pint) sour cream
$ 4.11 tax
$102.68 total

We'll see how long I survive on this and a fair amount of groceries I have already. I do think I will go into town Friday for live music in any case.

Earlier on the way here I picked up some excellent Java Kai 100% Kona coffee ($29.99 for 1 lb.) I've had it before, it's totally worth it. Also some sesame-ahi poke and lomi-lomi salmon at the Pono Market in Kapaa bringing the total to just under $150.

Public Service Announcement: avoid 10% Kona coffee -- by law 10% is the minimum amount to put the designation "Kona" on the label, so you know it's just for the name and therefore the cheapest beans available actually grown in the Kona region of the Big Island. Much of this is mercifully "flavored coffee" which at least is being honest that it isn't about the taste of Kona coffee, just the name.


  1. Regarding the cost of groceries: while they are somewhat more than on the mainland, I don't regard those as "notoriously high" considering the transportation costs to get them to a small market on Kauai. They seem to be 20 to 30% more than what I pay.

    1. Agreed and I did not mean to imply highway robbery. It's important to note that I specifically did not buy the really high mark-up items so they won't be reflected here on the tab. Also, without the loyalty card discount it's another 30% - although maybe your market does the same.
