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December 10, 2012

Koke'e Sky

Not an actual shot from that night,
this is a recent full mood:
I was unable to shoot anything decent that night.
First night at Koke'e was spectacularly clear and the stars were out in numbers. The Milky Way was clearly visible and the entire sky was like a dome of stars. Virtually zero light pollution out here in the middle of the ocean and over 3000 feet altitude, with a clear sky conditions are ideal.

I think it was the first time that I saw satellites moving quickly across the star field. One shooting star, at least, as well. At least one jet judging from the speed and that the light intensity varied, as expected as the angle to the head lights changes. One object I didn't know what it was: moving slowly but noticeably though not as distant as a satellite it flashed on and off. Perhaps it was due to the flashing, as the mind's eye tries to imagine the object still moving in its path while dark, but it seemed to be moving in a wiggly path, not a straight line. The Pacific Missile Range Facility is out here so it's conceivable it was something military.

It was a wonderful night for star gazing and I hope to have many more here.

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