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February 19, 2013

Kauai Gawkers

While not unique to Kauai, of course, it's notable how many visitors one sees stopped by the side of the road just looking at this place. Spending time here, the gawkers become part of the familiar scene yet what this says about the natural beauty here is significant.

The shot to the right is taken at a popular turnout and this one is signed as a place to stop for a view (of the Hanapepe valley, a few miles before Waimea canyon which dwarfs it and is more spectacular). Nevertheless, one sees the same thing all over the place, sometimes people stop with doors open sticking out into traffic (either careless or just so struck by the scenery). This particular spot I've seen socked in two rows of car deep like a crowded airport curbside.

Here we are surrounded by gorgeous scenery most everywhere humans haven't spoiled it too much. Since the road for the most part wraps around the island the ocean is almost always visible or nearby. The lowlands are luscious sometimes jungle. Further up are grasslands and then forest up the mountain. Since tropical showers sweep through regularly often alternating with full sun rainbows are almost commonplace. I've gotten a little used to all this on a 24/7 basis but don't think I will ever lose appreciation for such a beautifully endowed place.

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