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February 20, 2013


Best hiking advice was from a book that proscribed a simple stretching routine that I have done religiously after every significant hike - or during the hike before a long break - that makes a huge difference in recovery. Highly recommended for everyone, right after hiking. I've forgotten just a few times and always notice the unfamiliar soreness afterwards so I have concluded that it really works.

Each position hold at least 30 seconds. Just a light stretch is what you want, never strain or bounce. Breathe slowly and deeply.

Spread feet apart comfortably wider than shoulder width and bend forward.

Bend at the knee and grab the toes pulling your foot up to your butt.
Repeat for each leg.

Spread feet apart put weight forward on bent knee over one foot, stretching the back foot. Repeat on each side.
Feet apart, stretch out your arms horizontally then lean down to one side reaching to your foot, the other arm extending straight up. Repeat on the other side.

Add other stretches if you like, such as rotating looking behind in each direction to flex your spine.
I don't think form or order matters but just a few minutes stretching, relaxing, and cooling down will make a big difference later, especially before getting in a car for a long drive back.

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